Karnal – Roadis has received the Fame Safety Excellence Award in India

Photo-Award ceremony
Karnal – Roadis has received accolade with platinum award in safety excellence category at the FAME Excellence Award ceremony held at Chandigarh on 2nd June for effective implementation of Health & Safety initiatives across project in India. This recognition has been granted by FAME (Foundation for Accelerated Mass empowerment) and has recognized the efforts that the company has put in India for the implementation of HSE polices and prevention of occupational risks.
Manish Kumar ,manager Gharaunda toll plaza said ,this is an acknowledgment to ROADIS continued work in India that intends to continue improving its safety standards with various initiatives. This award encourages company to continue working on the development of measurement programmes and indicators,focusing on consolidating a zero tolerance to unsafe working conditions in all assets owned by ROADIS  for which the entire team is committed.